Start the SDK
The following code shows how to start the SDK (using your API key) and how to assign the delegate.
Android Manifest
Locate the AndroidManifest.xml file within your project. It is usually located in the "app" or "src/main" directory. Add the element as application element inside the component tag.
Bridgefy initialization
By default the SDK starts using the Standard propagation profile mode
bridgefyApiKey: (UUID) The license key registered on the Bridgefy developer site.
delegate: (BridgefyDelegate) a delegate/listener to handle SDK activity and events.
priorityLogging: (Int) (optional, default: Log.WARN) The logging priority level for SDK operations.
Throws: BridgefyException if there is an error during initialization
Starts Bridgefy operations, allowing the SDK to participate in the Bridgefy network.
userId: (optional) - The ID used to identify the user in the Bridgefy network.
propagationProfile: PropagationProfile (optional, default: PropagationProfile.Standard) A profile that defines a series of properties and rules for the propagation of messages.
To stop it, use the following code:
Description: Retrieves the expiration date of the Bridgefy license. Returns: A Result containing the expiration date as a Date object or null if the license information is not available.
Description: Updates the Bridgefy license, if necessary.
Bridgefy Session
Bridgefy SDK, providing various methods and properties for managing connections and secure communication.
bridgefy.isStarted: Boolean
Indicates whether the Bridgefy SDK is currently started.
Bridgefy Methods
Description: Destroys the current session, terminating any active connections and cleaning up resources.
Description: Retrieves the UUID of the current Bridgefy user. Returns: A Result containing the UUID of the current user or an error message.
Nearby peer detection
The following method is invoked when a peer has established connection:
peerID: Identifier of the user that has established a connection.
When a peer is disconnected(out of range), the following method will be invoked:
peerID: Identifier of the disconnected user.
When a device is detected, notifies the list of connected users:
connectedPeers: List of identifiers of the connected user.
Bridgefy method
Description: Retrieves a list of UUIDs representing the connected peers in the current session. Returns: A Result containing a list of UUIDs of connected peers or null if the service is not started.
Send data
The following method is used to send data using a transmission mode. This method returns the message ID (messageID) to the client.
messageID: Unique identifier related to the message.
Transmission Modes:
There are several modes for sending packets:
P2P(val receiver: String): Sends the packet only when the receiver is in range. Mesh(val receiver: String): Sends the packet using mesh to only once receiver. It doesn't need the receiver to be in range. Receiver can be in range of a third receiver located within range of both sender and receiver at the same time, or receiver can be out of range of all other nodes, but eventually come within range of a node that at some point received the packet. Mesh messages can be received my multiple nodes, but can only be read by the intended receiver. Broadcast: Sends a packet using mesh without a defined receiver. The packet is broadcast to all nearby users that are in range, who then broadcast it to all receivers that are in their range, and so on. If a user isn't in range, the packet will be delivered the next time said user comes within range of another user who did receive the packet. Broadcast messages can be read by all nodes that receive it.
If there is no error when sending the message, will be received with the message id (messageID)
otherwise, the following method will be received
Direct and Mesh transmission
Direct transmission is a mechanism used to deliver packets to a user that is nearby or visible (a connection has been detected). Mesh transmission is a mechanism used to deliver offline packets even when the receiving user isn’t nearby or visible. It can be achieved taking advantage of other nearby peers; these receive the package, hold it, and forward to other peers trying to find the receiver.
Receive Data
When a packet has been received, the following method will be invoked:
data: Received Data object messageID: Unique identifier related to the message. transmissionMode: The transmission mode used when sending the message
Propagation Profiles
Hops limit
Sharing Time
Maximum Propagation
Track list limit
86400 (1 d)
High Density Environment
3600 (1 h)
Sparse Environment
302400 (3.5 d)
Long Reach
604800 (7 d)
Short Reach
Hops limit: The maximum number of hops a message can get. Each time a message is forwarded, is considered a hop.
TTL: Time to live, is the maximum amount of time a message can be propagated since its creation.
Sharing time: The maximum amount of time a message will be kept for forwarding.
Maximum propagation: The maximum number of times a message will be forwarded from a device.
Track list limit: The maximum number of UUID’s stored in an array to prevent sending the message to a peer which already forwarded the message.
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